Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Labs

The MACISA project-team (Mathematics Applied to Cryptology and Information Security in Africa) is one of the new teams of LIRIMA. Researchers from Inria and the universities of Bamenda, Bordeaux, Dakar, Franceville, Maroua, Ngaoundéré, Rennes, Yaoundé cooperate in this team.

The project is concerned with public key cryptology and more specifically the role played by algebraic maps in this context. The team focus on two themes:

  • Theme 1 : Rings, primality, factoring and discrete logarithms;

  • Theme 2 : Elliptic and hyperelliptic curve cryptography.

The project is managed by a team of five permanent researchers: G. Nkiet, coordinator of the project, J.-M. Couveignes, vice coordinator, T. Ezome and D. Robert, responsible for each of the two scientific working areas, A. Enge, head of the Lfant project team. The managing team organises the cooperation, schedules meetings, prepares reports, controls expenses, reports to the LIRIMA managing team and administrative staff.